
Our 'Must See' list for 2020

Last year, as I looked at my diary and put in all the exciting craft events and exhibitions to see throughout 2019, I wrote a blog featuring my top exhibitions across the UK and abroad. It’s the same time of year and I now realise it must be an annual ritual because I find myself putting the ‘do not miss’ events into my diary for 2020.

Raw Talent

It’s all very well going to an exhibition and admiring what is on show - or maybe thinking ‘my five year old could do better than that’.And it’s fine to be an observer and learner about craft, appreciating the skill and imagination that goes into creating works of art and craft. But it’s quite another to be inspired to think ‘well, i might try that’ 

The Textiles of Lucienne Day by Jan Miller

The Textiles of Lucienne Day by Jan Miller

For the past six months I've been working on a project with Beth Alden (CEO at New Brewery Arts), and have been hearing advance snippets about the New Brewery Arts' programming calendar. So I'd been looking forward to visiting Lucienne Day: Living Design for quite some time. It was a curious experience. There was joyous familiarity to some of the exhibits, whilst also so much more to explore and learn about the artist.